Folders – Simple but effecting, active sorting of emails into labeled folders makes them extremely easy to find, segmenting out other emails not needed at the time.Template Powering – Saved email templates for commonly sent emails cuts down a great deal of time, and it protects messaging when protocols have to be followed.Flagging – Ever had an important email that you needed to find later but couldn’t? Red flagging makes it easy to find a pin in a haystack of messages.Limiting Notices – A default notice in Outlook will notice every new email, but these can be limited to just high priority parties, cutting down time and focusing attention better.Learning them allows a user to control the mass of messages that come in daily. Email Shortcuts – Outlook comes with a number of built-in sorting features for fast locating of a given email message.The Clipboard Email Creator – A neat feature, one puts the text in the clipboard and then with Ctrl-V Outlook will automatically convert it into a message, calendar post, or contact entry.

They are customizable, so you can make personal multi-step tasks that happen with one code versus three or four menus. Started with the 2010 version, this is the macro version of shortcuts.

Quick Steps – In addition to the keyboard shortcuts, Outlook has a number of Quick Steps.Beginners often just print out a cheat sheet. Shortcuts go direct to the function needed, and it doesn’t take long to get used to them. However, it’s those who know the keyboard shortcuts who really get things done amazingly fast. Keyboard Shortcuts – Yes, there are menu commands.Here are 12 shortcuts that really stretch Outlook for what it can do for a user: And that’s where power users are really pushing the boundaries of the tool for maximum performance and the least amount of time communicating. In this regard, those who see the long perspective focus far more on how to use Microsoft Outlook effectively versus trying to replace it. While many wish there might be another choice, it is unlikely that Microsoft Outlook as a user interface is going to go away anytime soon in the workplace. Learn the shortcut tricks and a user can become a power communicator very quickly. The latest version of Microsoft Outlook is designed to be a personal information manager, not just email.